Kicksta is the Answer to Every Marketing Manager’s Prayers

Published on April 2, 2019

Instagram is one of the most lucrative marketing tools available today. But, with all of the brands already on the platform, how do you get noticed organically? Instagram has been cracking down on things like fake followers and bot accounts in recent months in an effort to create a better user experience on the platform. This has posed some level of difficulty for growing brands, but services like Kicksta are here to help.

How It Works

One of the fastest ways to increase brand awareness on social media is to put yourself out there and interact with the people that already follow your competitors. This can be hard, though, and Kicksta knows that. The company aims to take away the time consuming parts of social media marketing out of your daily grind. To do this, they’ve created a way to automate engagement with potential consumers for you.

To start, users simply have to list a couple of accounts they’re competing with whose followers are in their target demographic. Kicksta will then interact with the followers of those accounts by liking their photos on behalf of your brand. The idea here is that when these users notice that your brand has liked their photo, they’ll check out your page and even interact with your brand.

What makes Kicksta different from other bot programs is that it takes most of the hard work out of doing the market research and finding the right demographic. Brands simply have to find their competitors in order to find leads, saving tons of time in the long run. Kicksta touts itself as being a company for anyone looking to grow their Instagram following as quickly as possible without breaking the rules.

Who Has Kicksta Helped?

Kicksta has helped countless brands and individuals grow their revenue by increasing organic traffic to their clients’ Instagram pages. Today, over 5,000 marketers around the world are using the service to automate their Instagram page’s traffic sources. As Instagram grows to become one of the most powerful marketing tools, traffic quickly translates into cash flow.

The company has to programs for marketers who want to streamline organic traffic to their brands Instagram page. The first tier, at $49/month, is focused on helping influencers and brands reach steady growth by allowing up to 10 targeted accounts at a time. Brands that want to maximize their growth potential will want to spring for the $99/month plan, which allows up to 40 targets, as well as hashtag targeting and other ways to interact with your target demographic.

A Marketing Necessity

In an age when the title “marketing manager” often means you have to juggle dozens of tasks across a handful of platforms, automating things like social media presence is more than just convenient—it’s a must. Kicksta understands this and wanted to come up with a way to streamline marketing strategy without breaking Instagram’s ever-changing list of rules.

Kicksta is changing the way brands interact with social media. Its user-friendly software is breaking the barrier on how they generate organic traffic.

Looking for more Grit Daily coverage of social media? If you’re buying Instagram followers you might want to read this.



Julia Sachs is a former Managing Editor at Grit Daily. She covers technology, social media and disinformation. She is based in Utah and before the pandemic she liked to travel.

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